Experience the heartwarming flavors of Norway with Klubb Dumplings, a traditional Norwegian dish that offers a delightful combination of shredded potatoes, flour, and savory pork. Also known by various names across Scandinavia, such as Pault, Pult, Klubb, Klub, Korppkakor, Raspeball, kumle, komle, kompe, potetball and more, Klubb Dumplings hold a cherished place in family traditions and holiday feasts.

Perfecting the Klubb Dumplings requires some trial and error, but fear not – we have unlocked the secrets to achieving the perfect texture and taste. The key lies in creating a dough that resembles a dense bread or pizza dough before rising, solid enough to withstand simmering for 30-45 minutes. Start with shredded potatoes and eggs, and gradually add flour until you attain a kneadable, firm dough. A ratio of approximately 4 potatoes to 3 cups of flour is a great starting point, but feel free to adjust as needed.

Simmering these dumplings demands a few watchful steps. Use a spacious pot to ensure the dumplings have enough room to cook without crowding. Generously season the water with salt for an extra burst of flavor. While simmering, the dumplings may stick to the pot’s bottom, so carefully loosen them with a large metal spoon or spatula without over-agitating them.

For a unique twist, embrace the leftover magic. Fry the dumplings in butter and serve with syrup for a delicious breakfast treat, just as many Scandinavians have cherished throughout generations.

Serve your Klubb Dumplings with simplicity – chopped green onions, melted butter, salt, and pepper are all you need to complement the rich flavors. Whether enjoyed during holiday celebrations or as a comforting weeknight meal, these Klubb Dumplings will transport you to the heart of Scandinavia with every delectable bite.

Klubb Dumplings: Ingredients:

  • 4 potatoes, peeled and shredded
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • Approximately 4 ounces of ham or other cooked pork, cut into 8-12 cubes
  • 5 tablespoons melted butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Klubb Dumplings Instructions:

  1. In a large pot, bring salted water to a hard simmer in preparation for cooking the dumplings.
  2. In a big bowl, grate the potatoes and add the flour, egg, and salt to the mix.
  3. Mix and knead the ingredients until you achieve a firm, stiff bread dough consistency. Add more flour if necessary.
  4. Wrap the dough around each cube of ham, forming dumplings the size of large meatballs, making 8-12 dumplings in total.
  5. Drop the dumplings into the simmering water and let them cook for approximately 45 minutes, ensuring they do not stick to the pot’s bottom.
  6. Using a slotted spoon, remove the cooked dumplings from the water.
  7. Serve the Klubb Dumplings with melted butter, salt, and pepper, savoring the delightful taste of Scandinavia.

Embrace the charm of Norwegian comfort food with Klubb Dumplings – a dish that transcends borders and brings generations together with its nostalgic flavors and cultural significance.